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21 janvier 2013

꼬리뼈(coccyx) 두덩뼈(pubis) hygienic(위생적인) intimate grooming
















Coccyx Fracture (Tailbone Fracture)


The patient fell on his tailbone and now complains of pain which is worse with sitting, and perhaps with defecation. There should be little or no pain with standing but walking may be uncomfortable. On physical examination, there is point tenderness, and perhaps deformity of the coccyx, which is best palpated by a finger in the rectum.

What to do:
  • Verify the history (was this actually a straddle injury?) and examine thoroughly, including the lumbar spine, pelvis, and the legs. Palpate the coccyx from inside and out, feeling primarily for point tenderness and/or pain on motion.
  • X rays are optional. Any noticed variation can be an old fracture or an anatomic variant, and a fractured coccyx can appear within normal limits.
  • Instruct the patient in how to sit forward, resting his weight upon ischial tuberosities and thighs, instead of on the coccyx. A foam rubber doughnut cushion may help. If necessary, prescribe anti-inflammatory pain medications or stool softeners.
  • Inform the patient that the pain will gradually improve over a week, as bony callus forms and motion decreases, and arrange for followup as needed. Chronic pain is rare but treatable by surgically remiving the coccyx.





Tailbone trauma is an injury to the small bone at the lower tip of the spine.



Actual fractures of the tailbone (coccyx) are not common. Tailbone trauma usually involves bruising of the bone or pulling of the ligaments.



Backward falls onto a hard surface, such as a slippery floor or ice, are the most common cause of this injury.



  • Bruising on the lower part of the spine
  • Pain when sitting or putting pressure on the tailbone

First Aid


For tailbone trauma where no spinal cord injury is suspected:


  • Relieve pressure on the tailbone by sitting on an inflatable rubber ring or cushions.
  • Take acetaminophen for pain.
  • Take a stool softener to avoid constipation.


If you suspect injury to the neck or spine, do not attempt to move the patient.



Do NOT attempt to move the patient if you think there may be injury to the spinal cord.

When to Contact a Medical Professional


Call for immediate medical help if:


  • Spinal cord injury is suspected.
  • The patient cannot move.
  • Pain is severe.



  • Do NOT run on slippery surfaces, such as around a swimming pool.
  • Dress in shoes with good tread or slip-resistant soles, especially in snow or on ice.

Alternative Names


Coccyx injury

william's exercises

tape2imagesCA86RNAWback pain







배꼽아래 잡히는 뼈 : 두덩뼈(pubis) - 다른이름 치골(恥骨)
위치골반 앞쪽 사타구니 부위
치골 부위 통증과 척추 요인(2)
치골 부위 통증과 척추 요인 치골 통증은 테니스나 축구 선수 같은 운동 선수들에게 흔히 발생하는 통증
출산후 치골통증
의사선생님께선 괜찮다고 말씀하셨는데


Top 10 Dangerous Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs)

The CDC estimates over 19 million new STD infections are diagnosed every year in the U.S., almost half of them in men and women 15 to 24 years old. Doctors say there anywhere from 25-50 different kinds of STD, though you have probably only heard of the 7-10 most common ones.

Most sexually transmitted infections are not deadly, and many are just inconvenient. Many people live their whole lives with an STD—but this doesn’t mean you should just “wait until it goes away” if you think you might have one. No one wants to go to the doctor for problems down there, but STDs can cause anything from the downright disgusting to pain, infertility, and death. Here are the top 10 most common STDs, arranged in order from most common to least common in the U.S.

10. Bacterial Vaginosis

What’s responsible for pubic itching in this patient?

Okay, so this isn’t technically an STD, but it is classified as a sexually transmitted infection by the CDC because of its possible causes. Bacterial vagniosis, more commonly known as a yeast infection, can affect every woman of child-bearing age (regardless of sexual activity), and many women get 3 or 4 yeast infections per year—making this by far the most common STI and #1 on our list.

No one really knows what causes yeast infections. Simply put, bacterial vaginosis is when the normal growth of healthy bacteria in the vagina becomes unbalanced for any reason. One possible cause of a bacterial imbalance in the vagina is getting a new sex partner or having multiple sex partners, but many other undetermined factors can cause a yeast infection, and even women who have never had sex can get it. Symptoms may include itching, burning during urination, vaginal discharge, and unpleasant odors in the tender regions. Fortunately, treatments are fast and simple and can usually be found at the local drugstore.

출산 제모

출산 3대굴욕!? 브라질리언 왁싱(제모) 이벤트★2012.10.041.내진 2.관장 3.제모!!!! 출산 전 간호사가 면도기로 쓱쓱!! 그때 난 생채기가 출산의 아픔과 버금가는...ㅠㅠ 내진,관장은 어쩔 수 있지만 '제모'는 미리 준비하실 수 있어요!!! ☆★브라질리언 왁싱이란!? 올누드...

출산 3대 굴욕 중 하나..제모...그리고 임산부 왁싱2012.06.13요즘..젊은 산모님 들 사이에..떠돌고 있는 출산 3대 굴욕.. 내진, 관장, 그리고 제모 1.내진- 경험자로써 기분이 썩 좋진 않았어요.. 저두 블로그나 까페를 통해..많은 정보를 듣고...맘의 준비를 단단히 하고...

Waxing Hysterical






My girlfriends and I were discussing the many wonders of intimate grooming, specifically whether we shaved our pubic hair or waxed and why. I told my girls that I had started shaving after watching a show on TV about a woman who did it because she felt shaving was more hygienic. I liked that idea. I wanted to see if my girlfriends felt the same way. Also, my man LOVES me shaved. Love to please the men folk, I do.

One of my friends shaved like I did and the other waxed. Waxing…. That got me thinking. My girlfriend said she loves the fact that you only have to do it every eight weeks or so in the beginning and that it leaves her skin so smooth. Well, the smooth thing had me thinking… My husband had recently complained of “razor burn” during a recent love making session. I know what razor burn feels like since I have kissed many of those said men folk I like pleasing….

I ran to my nearest beauty store and perused the shelves in my quest for the best wax. I found one that claimed to be specifically formulated for the tenderest of areas. Excited, I made my purchase and ran home.

So, there I am at home with my freshly bought wax. First the wax needs to be microwaved, which I proceed to do. Now would be a good time to warn you that this is the stickiest substance I have ever come into contact with–and I have a five-year old! So I stir the wax up, making sure it’s not too hot. I don’t want to burn myself. That would be an embarrassing trip to the emergency room! Vigorously stirring, the wax starts getting all over my fingers. It’s only when I try to wash my fingers that I find the wax doesn’t come off. “Oh well,” I sigh “I’ll take care of that later…”

So of course, there is no way I could do this alone, as you need to pull your skin taught. So I enlisted the help of my husband, who was all too eager in the beginning. And I mean eager.

Ok, another lovely scene for your imagination; naked from the waist down sitting on the toilet lid, instructing my husband to yank a strip off of my tender bits at the count of three (kiddo had been settled in front of a DVD).

OH MY GOD! It Hurts. It hurts like the worst imaginable thing you can ever imagine. I recently saw The 40 Year Old Virgin. Steve Carrell was speaking to me, and I ignored his warning. It is soo amazing how the profanities fly when ripping hair from your skin. Oh Yeah. They fly fluently.

One…. Two… Three…MOTHER FUCKER!!!! Mother of God. I have given birth. I can handle anything, by Jove! I scared the hell out of my husband. He cowered in the corner for a second.

Whew, ok. Let’s try this again. So I spackle some more sticky wax on my even more tender bits, pry the spatula from my hands to only get the wax at all over my other hand. Pull the skin taught once again… One… Two. HELLS BELLS!!!! He pulled on two!!!

Then my daughter knocks on the bath room door to see what we are doing. I yell at her to shut the door as I am spread eagle pulling the skin taught. She doesn’t go for it. “Whatcha doing in there?” I jump up to reheat the wax and overhear my husband say to the kiddo the following:

“We’re giving mommy a haircut.”

“On her pee pee?”

“Uh, yeah.”


Thank god for little wonders! So settled in front of the DVD once again, and off to the bathroom to finish mommy’s haircut.

By this time wax is all over my forearm; therefore, pulling the skin taught includes me slowly ripping my arm apart from my thigh after each excruciating “rrrriiippp”. Not to mention my ass is stuck to the toilet lid…

Finally I give up because I can’t take the pain any more. My husband is near tears, and kiddo has knocked on the bathroom door two more times.

Thank god for baby oil, that gets the wax off of everything. My nether regions looked sunburned. Putting on panties felt like I was sandpapering my skin. I was bruised, and there were tiny spots of blood. Putting on pants, even more painful. I was beginning to think I would spend the next couple of days walking like John Wayne, staring down Black Bart, ready to dole out harm after he had wronged a saloon gal.

Once dressed I began thinking, there is no way my husband is coming near me for at least a week or a month or however long it took for me to heal. Hands off mister! Off limits until the pain subsided. Besides, I think part of this entire ordeal has left an indelible mark on his soul. I made him do something that most men would have laughed off and gone into the den to catch a sporting event on TV.

So, those Brazilians? I cannot for the life of me fathom why they came up with this ritual, if indeed they did. Maybe whoever thought this practice up, didn’t want to deal with the repercussions, and thought to themselves, “Well those Brazilians are zany enough to actually try this”. “We’ll blame them”! Can’t wait until next time…


No Real Protection For Pubic Lice – STD Testing Centers Portland

Public liceWhat are Public Lice?

Pubic lice are tiny wingless insects that infest pubic hair. Both men and women can get pubic lice. Pubic lice are parasites. They feed on our blood and will die in two days without it. Pubic lice are insects that bite the skin and feed on blood. Adult public lice look like tiny crabs.

Public Lice Description

Pubic lice are small, wingless insects most often found in the genital area of humans. When a person is infested with lice (whether it is pubic lice, head lice , or body lice ), the condition is known as pediculosis. Pubic lice are generally found in the genital area on pubic hair; but may occasionally be found on other coarse body hair, such as hair on the legs, armpit, mustache, beard , eyebrows, and eyelashes. Infestations of young children are usually on the eyebrows or eyelashes.

Pubic lice appear very similar to crabs, hence the name. Lesions due to scratching or the bites may become visible. Pubic lice are tiny, flat-bodied, wingless insects that live on the skin. They are also called crabs because they have “claws”, which they use to hang on to hair. Pubic lice move very little in the pubic region and produce few eggs. The most common method of transmission of crab or public lice is by sexual intercourse, so its easy to transmit the public lice through it so be careful

Other Pubic Lice Resources

Transmission of Public Lice

Pubic lice are usually transmitted by sexual contact, and although this is the most common method, it is incorrect to assume this is the only means of transmission. Shared bath-towels and clothing, discarded clothing hanging in overcrowded locker rooms, children sleeping with an infected parent, or bedding that has recently been vacated by an infected individual can lead to infestations.

Pubic lice are very easily spread and there is no real protection. Wearing a condom during sexual intercourse will not protect you from pubic lice. Pubic Lice is an infestation of parasitic forms of lice, also known as Pediculosis. It can occur anywhere on the body. Pubic lice will not go away without treatment. Pubic lice need to be treated by using a special shampoo that you can buy without a prescription.

Pubic lice cannot live off the human body or on animals. Most often, they’re transferred by sexual contact with an individual suffering from an infestation. Pubic lice are easily treated, but your partner(s) may not know they have them. Telling a partner about pubic lice may be embarrassing, but it’s important to be very honest with your partner(s). Pubic lice cause pruritus. Physical signs are few, but some patients have excoriations and regional lymphadenopathy and/or lymphadenitis.

Pubic lice can spread to the hair on other parts of the body, in which case you’ll find these symptoms there as well as (or instead of) in the genital area. If a child becomes infested with pubic lice, the lice may settle in the child’s eyelashes, and the symptoms will therefore become apparent around the eyes. Pubic lice are common among young sexually active adults. There are other types of lice. Pubic lice move by crawling from hair to hair – they cannot fly or jump.

Pubic lice nits take about 6 . Pubic lice (often called “crabs” because of their crab-like appearance under a microscope) are six-legged creatures that infest the hair in the pubic area. They can also infest other body hair, but they prefer the pubic region. Pubic lice (Phthirus pubis, or the crab louse) infestation is most common in adolescents and young adults. It is an infestation of hair-bearing areas, especially the groin.

Liceadex One Step Lice & Nit Removal Gel is a special, one of a kind, natural formula that provides a safe effective way to kill lice and their eggs, without traditional and potentially harmful pesticide ingredients like permethrin or pyrethrum found in many over the counter solutions or expensive, multiple-step, essential oil-based solutions. Our formulation is one of the fastest-acting and most effective products you will find today.

  • Kills all lice and eggs naturally in minutes
  • Contains no pesticides
  • Allows for easy pain-free, tangle-free nit and debris removal
  • Rinses completely clean without oily residue
  • Can be used multiple times safely
  • Can be used safely after “other” treatments have been done

 Liceadex Lice & Nit Removal Gel

